Interview do's and don'ts
Posted on 22 Aug, 2018
It’s interview time. You’ve already taken our advice on what to wear for an interview and you’re dressed to kill. What else do you need to know?
Here are some important do's and don’ts.
DO turn up early
How early should you arrive for an interview? We would say at least 15-20 minutes. From a practical perspective, it mitigates any potential delay caused by public transport or failing to find the office. In terms of impressing your potential employer, arriving early shows keenness, punctuality, and an ability to follow instructions. All this before you’ve even entered the interview room!
DON’T leave your phone on
Switch your phone off, as soon as you hit the interview building, don't just leave it on silent when it might vibrate or distract you. There is no call, no email, and no text message more important than the next half hour or so. Few things give a worse impression than your phone going off mid-interview.
DO your research
At some point you will be asked that most dreaded of questions: why do you want to work here? The interviewer isn’t looking for you to stroke their ego, or that of the company. Instead, talk about the company a little, what it does, and why you want to be a part of that. In a word: research. Check out the company’s ‘About Us’ and 'Careers' pages on their website and follow any links to their Social Media sites. Look for press releases on forthcoming projects they have in the pipeline. Ask the recruiter what they know, show that you want this job, not just any job.
DON’T forget to smile
It may be a cliché, but it is also demonstrably true that most professional interviewers have made up their mind within 90 seconds of meeting a candidate. A confident smile, a hearty greeting, and firm handshake all go towards making a great first impression.
Now that you know what to do (and what not to do) in an interview, sign up with Careers in Design. As the UK’s foremost recruitment agency for the design industry, we can help you prepare your CV and your application, and give you the best shot at securing an interview for your dream design job.
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