What to wear at an interview?
Posted on 14 Oct, 2019

So, you have decided to take a new approach and move forward with a brand new design job - that’s fantastic!
But you may be thinking about how you should dress and grasp that new design job with both hands.
It is crucial to know how to present yourself and just like your portfolio - you need to be well-presented at your interview.
We discuss a few tailored tips on how you can dress to impress and reach new heights within your next design position. But remember that whatever you choose make sure the fit is right and it is comfortable to wear and sit down in.
Design job interview: the male edition
The usual attire has always been a dashing suit and tie, but when applying for a creative job in the design industry, it is important to allow some of that creativity to shine through in your presentation. For a more relaxed but still corporate outfit, why not consider a smart casual look?
Smart jeans and a shirt might be fine for once you have the job but a little risky even if the culture of the company is casual. A sharp but approachable suit might seem a little conservative, but it is also the safer option. No matter what you wear, however, make sure that it is smart, clean and well fitted for the task at hand.
- - If your trousers have a belt loop - wear a suitable belt. This will smarten up your outfit and not feel like an accessory is missing.
- - Your presentation isn't just about the outfit - make sure you place your belongings in a suitable messenger bag or briefcase. Despite going for an innovative position, it would be wise to leave the backpack at home for now!
- - You can never go wrong with dark coloured trousers, with a brown or black belt, a white shirt and blazer, but not leather. A classic look wins every time.
- - Blue and grey are popular and good choices for suits
Design job interview: the female edition
It is no exaggeration to say that women have a range of choices! From shirts to blouses and skirts to trousers, you can create an array of outfits. The most formal approach would be to express yourself in a suit or trousers / skirt and jacket. But if you want to make an impact on a design job - you may wish to go in a different direction.
Why not opt for a smart set of trousers with an eye-catching blouse or top. Guaranteeing a smart casual look and promoting your imagination through both your clothing and interview performance. You can also go for neutral colours and jazz the outfit up with a pop of colour when accessorizing.
- - Don’t go overboard with accessories. You want your interviewer to be focusing on you, not how large your necklace or earrings are!
- - It is easy to dress down a business suit, simply swap your blouse / shirt for a top and wear some bold shoes for effect but not opened-toed sandals.
- - Dress stylishly and professional. Make sure you are clean, your outfit is not too corporate and you provide the right aura to your interviewer.
Posted in: Interviewing