Choosing a Recruitment Company
Posted on 08 Jul, 2019

Working with a recruitment company opens up routes into employment that you might not have been able to access otherwise. Many companies do not advertise their vacancies publicly and prefer to work with a recruiter to find talent. Recruiters also help by matching you up with vacancies that are a good fit, but they go far beyond just finding a job for you to apply for. A skilled recruiter can offer insight into the company culture, help a candidate through the recruitment process and even support the moving process with their knowledge.
How do you choose a recruitment company?
Often, not much consideration is given to selecting a recruitment company, but it’s a decision that needs some thought as there is a lot of variation between recruitment companies and the service they can provide. Being confident in your goal at this early stage will equip you to choose the right recruitment company.
Though there are many generic recruiters, if you are looking at job in design, it is a specialised field and a world away from administrative or IT recruitment. You should therefore be looking for a recruitment company that specialises in your field of design, and one that can provide plenty of experience and knowledge about the recruitment process for this marketplace. If you’re seeking a position abroad, or in a specific location, you need to assess whether the company can provide this.
A good recruiter will make you feel more able to communicate, and you can be more candid with them than you would be with a company that you are applying directly to. You therefore need to choose a recruiter who understands you and has a style and recruiting approach that you feel comfortable with, so you are able to make your needs clear and find a position that aligns with both your long and short term goals.
Long Term Support
The right recruitment company should be able to provide advice and support for years to come, rather than rushing you into a single position and then disappearing. It’s worth doing some investigation of a company before getting involved. This could be reading their reviews online, finding out what their company ethos is, or even having a chat on the phone to really get a feel for the company and what they do for their candidates and clients.
If you’re looking for a design focused recruitment company to support your long term career development, then why not try us and give us a call on 01920 486125. With almost 20 years of experience and a commitment to put quality before quantity, we are happy to discuss how we can help you get the position you’re aiming for.
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