How Interior Design is Changing
Posted on 29 Sep, 2020

Like any art form, interior design is in a constant state of flux. Practices that were commonplace a few years ago can already appear out-dated. As time moves on, the way we design today will doubtless seem just as old-hat.
Here are five ways that the interior design industry is changing:
Digital design solutions
Advances in technology and the abundance of mobile devices place interior design tools into anybody’s hands. This means that quality interior design will become available to anybody who wants it. While designers themselves will still be in demand, supplying the skills that only come from training and experience, the process will be simplified, streamlined, and cheaper to conduct.
The importance of originality
A side-effect of accessible design solutions will see a rise in copycat interior designs. All it will take is a single celebrity post on Instagram and thousands of followers will want their home to look exactly the same. While this may seem like bad news, it means that true creativity and originality will be more in demand than ever by clients anxious to be seen as trendsetters rather than followers.
Social media
Speaking of social media, platforms will become ever more business-oriented. Influencers and celebrities will be the only accounts that get traction, making social media sites little more than electronic billboards. This will be where new interior design trends will be discovered and debated, rather than at design conferences, so you’ll need to keep ahead of the curve.
Hybrid shopping
As bricks-and-mortar stores struggle to maintain a foothold on the high streets and online shopping becomes ever more saturated, success will come to those retailers who embrace an amalgam of the two. This will be key to the savvy interior designer looking to impress a client. Stores will be more of an experience than a shopping trip, as retailers use them to build relationships with clients. The transactional side of things will almost certainly be committed online.
The return of the antique trade
The popularity of antique furniture and accessories tends to come in waves and we’re about due to hit a peak. Whilst recent years have trended towards the contemporary, antiques will be sliding back into fashion before long. It’s a natural extension of all the previous changes. The need for originality, looking for something different on social media and making physical retail spaces something special. These all point towards antiques playing a big part in interior design’s future.
Are you ready to face the exciting challenges in the changing world of interior design? Register with Careers in Design and upload your CV for review. We can help find you the latest vacancies for jobs in interior design that are ideal for you.
Posted in: Interior Design