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Job offer Perks and Benefits (Standard and the Unusual)

Posted on 14 Jul, 2021

The wellbeing and loyalty of employees is of high importance to a business's overall success, which is why many big companies have started to offer job offer incentives and perks that can inspire and motivate the staff and attract new talented applicants to the recruiting process. Although most job seekers love a high salaried job, other alternatives can make workers happier beside a salary increase and a high paying career. Read on as we discuss the most sought for standard job perks and look into the more unusual job perks that well-known companies offer from around the world.

Standard job perks and benefits

Job perks are offered in many ways depending on the company you work for, such as additional offerings and beneficial packages beyond an employee's salary. On the other hand, benefits can be non-cash compensation that can cover additional needs of a worker. Job perks and benefits are essential because these offerings improve an employee's loyalty and overall satisfaction in a company and ultimately may sway them to value one employer over another.

Job Perks

  • The flexibility to work remotely and on-site: Due to the effects of the COVID-19 lockdowns, many companies consider remote working as the new norm, and many employees in the UK are happy for this trend to continue even past the pandemic. Additionally, working from home means that many businesses allow their employees to follow their schedule within reason. A good example is changing work hours at 10:00 - 19:00 over the usual 08:00 - 17:00 schedule. However, for some workers, being allowed back in the office is preferable. Not everyone is set up and able to work long-term from home. Flexibility here can be key.
  • Paid Maternity / Paternity leave: Employees looking to start a family of their own would want to secure their position and career goals and still earn their wage while caring for their newborn or newly adopted child. Businesses that offer this incentive will attract the best candidates and ease fears of employees who plan to become a parent for the first time or in the future. 
  • Free lunches: This is popular particularly if the offices are in a rural location with no shops within walking distance. It also saves time and makes sure workers are eating properly to be able to work at their best. Other options are free lunches on Fridays, continuous supply of fruit, teas and coffees, cake days etc.
  • Office chill out zones: Areas in the office that workers can have a moment to clear their head, rest, relax and refocus. These could be a comfy corner with sofas and beanbags, or little meditation pods, a fun and modern kitchen/cafe area or a garden with seating. 

Job Benefits

  • Health / Dental insurance: The most common benefits to many job seekers are medical insurance, dental cost coverage and health insurances granted to both employees and their families. Statistically, health insurance takes the first spot on most common benefits, and dental insurance comes in third place. Additionally, life insurance is just as crucial for job seekers looking to plan ahead and feel a sense of reassurance by protecting themselves and their families.
  • Paid time off: General paid time off (PTO) incorporates both vacation and sick days into one. Many companies are looking to establish a general PTO system that can be used at the discretion of workers to improve employees' work/life balance lifestyles. This structure gives more leeway to employees by accommodating the demands of everyday life whilst fulfilling their work schedule priorities on their terms, resulting in healthier, productive and happier workers.

Unusual job perks from famous companies

Google: When it comes down to the weird, unusual yet fantastic job perks, the first company that comes to mind is Google. Known for their happy work culture and playful office environment, working with the internet giant company will score you some of the following on-site perks. 
  • Physical therapy / Masseuse
  • Rainbow slides
  • Free meals on-site at all times
  • Laundry facilities / Haircuts
  • Free access to scooters in the office
  • Gym / Swimming pools
  • Video game rooms / Ping pong tables
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