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Design Recruitment Blog

Amazing Street Art

Posted on 23 Jul, 2024

Most of us will have seen graffiti but when does it become street art? This kind of dynamic art form can transform public areas into outdoor galleries. It includes a diverse range of creative expressions, from intricate paintings on building walls to interesting installations constructed from common objects. Unlike graffiti, which is typically marked by stylized lettering, it seeks to engage the audience with striking images and thought-provoking themes.

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Posted in: Designers

Bathroom Design: Wet Room or Dry Room

Posted on 09 Jul, 2024

Bathroom design has changed dramatically over the years, with homeowners and designers finding new ways to create functional and visually beautiful environments. Wet rooms and dry rooms are the main two bathroom types, both with their own supporters. In the office we are divided in preference so thought we would look at the benefits and drawbacks of each, highlighting the variables to consider when deciding between the two. Continue reading >

Posted in: Designers

The Importance of Effective Job Interviews

Posted on 25 Jun, 2024

In the competitive world of recruiting, identifying the right candidate requires performing effective job interviews. A well-run interview process can help hiring managers evaluate a candidate's abilities, qualifications, and organisational culture. Reducing turnover and increasing productivity are the results of conducting successful interviews to choose the best candidate for the position. You can significantly raise the standard of candidates you hire by devoting time and energy to the interview process.

The Role of the interviewer

There's more to your job as an interviewer than just posing questions and assessing answers. Besides ensuring a positive... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing

The Importance of a Speedy Recruitment Process

Posted on 13 Jun, 2024

Time is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment. Companies need to be agile and responsive in order to stay competitive. This is particularly valid in relation to the hiring procedure. A slow and cumbersome recruitment process can have serious negative consequences for a company, including missed opportunities, increased costs, and decreased employee morale. On the other hand, a speedy recruitment process can yield numerous benefits, such as attracting top talent, reducing time-to-hire, and improving the candidate experience. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a speedy recruitment process and explore strategies for streamlining the process to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

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Posted in: Interviewing

Career Learning and Development

Posted on 28 May, 2024

In order to remain competitive in the quickly evolving job market of today, when automation and technological breakthroughs have completely changed industries, candidates often now need to keep up with their education and acquire new skills. In the modern workplace, career growth and learning are essential for realising one's potential and succeeding. A person can improve their career prospects, work happiness, and access to new opportunities by devoting time and energy to improving their knowledge and skills. 

Benefits of Continuous Learning for Career Growth

There are several benefits to ongoing professional education. First of all, it makes sure they keep up with the always ev... Continue reading >

Posted in: Careers in Design | Tagged: Career Development Continuous Learning Professional Growth Skills Development Lifelong Learning

The Importance of Interview Preparation

Posted on 14 May, 2024

The current employment market is a changing and frequently intimidating place to be. With so many deserving applicants fighting for the same jobs, getting your ideal career depends on more than simply having the right training and expertise. Being outstanding during the interview process has become essential in today's very competitive job market, as it can make or break your chances of getting the position of your dreams. 

This is where being well-prepared for an interview becomes important. During the interview, you give yourself the best chance to not only demonstrate your qualifications and excitement for the job but also to stand out from the crowd of skilled candidates. Your thorough preparation, which boosts confidence, enables you to make a lasting... Continue reading >

Posted in: Interviewing | Tagged: interview preparation job interview interview tips career advice job search interview skills interview process follow-up job market

What’s new in home furnishings and are ruffles coming back in?

Posted on 24 Apr, 2024

The home furnishings market is always changing, with new fashions and trends appearing on the scene each year. People are looking for ways to make their homes cosy and fashionable as they spend more time there. For those of us needing a change, there are countless ways to improve the visual appeal of any area, from furniture to accessories. This post will go over the newest styles in home furniture and the resurgence of ruffles in interior design.

The latest trends in home furnishings

Clean lines and minimalism have gained popularity in recent years. But adding patterns and textures to a space to make it more visually appealing is becoming more and more popular... Continue reading >

Posted in: Careers in Design | Tagged: home furnishings ruffles ruffled furnishing furniture design interior design furniture design interior design trends

From Nature to Industry: Exploring the History of Dyeing

Posted on 09 Apr, 2024

An old craft that has been important to our human history is dyeing. Using artificial or natural dyes, dyeing is the process of giving textiles, fibres or other materials colour. The history of dyeing is a monument to human imagination and inventiveness, from the colourful textiles used by ancient civilisations to the highly developed dyeing processes of today.

Ancient dyeing techniques and materials

The history of dyeing dates back thousands of years. In the past, people mad... Continue reading >

Posted in: Careers in Design | Tagged: dyeing natural dyes artificial dyes dyeing techniques

How Easter is Celebrated Around the World

Posted on 26 Mar, 2024

Enter a world of vivid hues, elaborate décor and delightful surprises as we set out on a worldwide eggstravaganza to discover the fascinating Easter customs that span across cultural boundaries. Every nation celebrates this happy occasion differently, from the fascinating egg hunts in the United States to the quirky egg rolling here in the UK.

With traditions as varied as the cultures they represent, Easter transforms into a genuinely global festival of life and revitalisation. We wanted to explore the hidden treasures of Easter customs from around the world and what as interesting journey it's been. Continue reading >

Posted in: Careers in Design | Tagged: easter easter customs easter traditions egg hunts

Networking Strategies for Introverts

Posted on 12 Mar, 2024

Do you consider yourself an introvert? Do you often find it challenging to navigate social situations, especially when it comes to networking? If so, you're not alone. Many introverts struggle with the art of networking, but that doesn't mean they can't be successful at it. In fact, introverted people have unique strengths that can be leveraged to create effective networking strategies.

We will look at tried-and-true socialising tactics tailored to introverts in this article. We'll give you helpful advice and strategies to help you succeed in your networking endeavours, from crafting the perfect small chat to creating deep connections. You may overcome your introversion and take full advantage of every interaction opportun... Continue reading >

Posted in: Careers in Design | Tagged: introvert networking strategies introversion networking

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