Fireplace and Fire Surround Trends in the Home
Posted on 21 Dec, 2021

There’s a reason the term ‘hearth and home’ is such a well-recognised part of the English vernacular. For centuries, the fireplace has been considered the heart of the British home. Even with the widespread adoption of central heating, many homes incorporate a gas, electric or solid-fuel fireplace, even if it's used more for decoration than heating the property itself.
Interior Designers often use a fireplace as the focal point of a living room or lounge but what look and style is best? Like all aspects of design, this key component goes through several trends and fashions, so we had a little look at some of the ways you’re likely to see fireplaces and fire surrounds utilised as we head into 2022.
Marble MantlepiecesPerhaps not a new tr... Continue reading >
Posted in: Interior Design